GCR Population by race - dot density map (Census 2001)
Population data from the Census 2001 (StatsSA) was mapped by race at ward boundary level (2009 ward boundaries) across the GCR using dot density symbology where 1 dot on the map represents 100 people.
Date of publication:
October 2010
The GCR: Gauteng and surrounding municipalities
Map showing the district/metropolitan boundaries and local municiapalities constituting Gauteng in 2009. The neighbouring district and local municipalities are also highlighted. Adminstrative boundary layers obtained from the Municipal Demarcation Board.
Date of publication:
July 2010
GCR with population radius - dot density map (Census 2001 SAL)
Population density across the GCR is mapped using the Census 2001 small area layer (SAL) from StatsSA using dot density symbology, where 1 dot represents 100 people. A 100km and 175 km radius is also displayed to indicate the Census 2001 population of approximately 10 million and 13 million, within 100km and 175 kms of the Joburg CBD respectively.
Date of publication:
April 2010