Photography by:
  • Tracy Mutugi, Cebisile Mbonani and Clive Hassall

The evolving socio-spatial impact of Islam in Johannesburg

Muslims constitute less than 3% of the population of Johannesburg but their spatial presence in Johannesburg can be traced to before the turn of the last century when the Newtown Mosque was established in Kerk Street in the city centre. Over the course of a century and a quarter, Muslims have entrenched their socio-spatial presence in all corners of greater Johannesburg despite the vicissitudes of racial discrimination and apartheid spatial planning.

In 2014, Yasmeen Dinath, Yusuf Patel and Rashid Seedat wrote a chapter titled 'Footprints of Islam in Johannesburg' in the book Changing space, changing city: Johannesburg after apartheid, edited by Harrison, Gotz, Todes and Wray. This was one of the first published accounts that traced the socio-spatial presence of Muslims in the city.

This project, in the form of a multi-chapter research report, will cover an array of topics including the historical evolution of Islam and Muslim presence in Johannesburg and the socio-spatial presence of Muslims in the city.


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