Movement Johannesburg
Movement Johannesburg is a publication that examines the historical and contemporary movements that have and continue to shape Johannesburg. Edited by Zahira Asmal and GCRO Research Associate Guy Trangoš the anthology reflects the experiences and opinions of a number of Johannesburg-based authors, academics, photographers, architects, artists and researchers. It presents the city as a complex and changing web of diverse yet entwined movements through a series of editorial formats, graphic imagery and striking photography.
This urban anthology includes photographic essays and diverse chapters from an array of contributors. The book contains a chapter written by former GCRO Senior Researcher Sally Peberdy on historical migration into the city and cross border trade. Migration statistics from the GCRO's Quality of Life Survey 2013 are also presented. Another chapter on Johannesburg's colonial history is written by GCRO's researcher Alexandra Parker.

The GCRO supported the production of Movement Johannesburg together with the South African Cities Network. It is available at most book stores or through its publisher, The City.