Moving to opportunity
In many respects, Gauteng is considered as a land of opportunity, not least for the potential economic opportunities that the region provides but also many other opportunities that contribute to greater quality of life. This is true for those born in Gauteng and those migrating into Gauteng from other provinces or countries. It is also well known that opportunities are not distributed evenly across space in Gauteng and that all residents do not have the same access to opportunities. Thus, access to opportunities depends on residential location and an individual’s ability to access opportunities outside of their immediate neighbourhood. In order to improve their access to opportunities, an individual has to either move home or acquire access through other means, such as higher education or employment.
The main aim of this research project is to shed some light on the processes that enable people to move out of poverty in the Gauteng City-Region. These insights can then be used to respond with appropriate policy recommendations that will facilitate continuous social mobility and reductions in inequality.
The GCRO Quality of Life survey provides data on the moves of some respondents within Gauteng – some towards "better" areas and others towards similar or "worse" areas. This analysis of residential moves will form the initial basis of this project, before then trying to understand the conditions that enable moves out of poverty.
Depending on data availability, analysis over time and/or comparisons with other regions in South Africa or internationally will be considered as part of the longer term project.
A research concept note has been drafted and will be refined during 2024.

Last updated: 13 December 2023.