The Society of South African Geographers Centenary Special Issue

  • Date of publication: 16 August 2016

Richard Ballard was one of four editors of a special issue of the South African Geographical Journal entitled ‘South African Geography at 100’. The idea for this special issue arose from discussions by the Council of the Society for South African Geographers in planning for the centenary of Geography in South Africa. Geography was first taught in 1914 at Victoria College which later became Stellenbosch University (Visser, Donaldson, & Seethal, 2016). The first lecturer in Geography – James Hutcheon – was appointed in 1917 at the South African School of Mines and Technology, the institution that was to become the University of the Witwatersrand. The main event marking the centenary of these founding moments is the special bi-annual conference at Stellenbosch in September 2016. The collection results from an open call for papers which resulted in 12 review articles on various sub disciplines of Geography in South Africa.


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