Urban Gaze photography competition launched
The GCRO has opened a call for digital photographs of the Gauteng City-Region and its people. The 2018 Urban Gaze competition is the second photography competition that GCRO has run since its launch in 2008.
The Urban Gaze competition is an opportunity for professional and amateur photographers to capture how residents of the city-region view and experience Gauteng. Through this competition, the GCRO will have access to user-generated visual content that captures the ways residents and visitors see and experience the Gauteng City-Region, its physical and social landscapes, people and infrastructure, and resources. This competition will assist the GCRO to aptly represent the region’s people and spaces in its publications and online platforms.
Shortlisted entries will be shown at an exhibition at the Keyes Art Mile in Rosebank in May 2019.
Please note that entrants must be above the age of 18 years old and should be residents of the GCR. Entries close on Sunday, 31 March 2019.
Find out more about the competition or enter online via the competition website: www.urbangaze.org.