• Date of publication: 24 March 2025

The Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) was established in 2008 as a partnership between the Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG), the University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits), and SALGA Gauteng (organised local government in the province). GCRO helps to build the knowledge base that government, business, labour, civil society and citizens all need to shape appropriate strategies that will build Gauteng as a competitive, integrated, sustainable and inclusive city region. GCRO collects and benchmarks data, provides policy analysis and on-request policy support, undertakes applied research, and publishes critically reflective academic work. The GCRO operates as an online publisher with all outputs available here: https://www.gcro.ac.za/

As part of its work GCRO produces a range of applied research and organisational publications. These range from relatively simple and focused digital data snippets in the form of vignettes and Maps of the Month to longer, more complex outputs that are published in report format, including Research Reports, Occasional Papers, Data Briefs and Provocations. Some of these may be printed, while others (most) are digital outputs that live only on the GCRO website. Organisational outputs include GCRO Annual Reports, Strategic Plans and related documents.

Background to this work

This is a request for a proposal to pre-qualify (including a list of references, examples of relevant work demonstrating this expertise, HDI status and Identity document if an individual, B-BBEE certificate if a company) for production management, editing and graphic design services for the GCRO research and other outputs and publications. The intention is to develop a panel of pre-approved service providers for the 1 May 2025 – 30 April 2028 period from whom the GCRO will request quotations for each discreet research or organisational output. This approach allows the GCRO to diversify its production service providers and allows the approved service providers to choose to quote on specific projects as their availability allows.

To produce its variety of reports – Research Reports, Occasional Papers, Data Briefs and Provocations – GCRO utilises the services of reputable design, typesetting and layout service providers. GCRO provides these service providers with text copy and associated content elements such as graphs, diagrams, maps and (in some instances) photographs. In turn, the service provider is responsible for (a) converting this content into a designed publication, (b) where appropriate arranging for the printing of the publication, and (c) providing GCRO with various graphics elements required for the release and dissemination of the publication (mailshot graphics, website thumbnails, etc.).

During this design, printing and publication process there is an ongoing and intensive back-and-forth interaction between GCRO and the service providers. The extent of the interaction does of course vary by type of publication: Research Reports are much longer than Data Briefs, for example. But in each instance an iterative sequence of designs and checks / approvals is needed. In particular, each iteration of multiple drafts of the designed work needs to be checked by GCRO for errors and potential areas of improvement (proper design of graphs, appropriate use of photographs where these are sourced by the service provider, appropriate pull-quotes, etc.). These suggestions and corrections need to be executed by the service provider and internally checked. After this the revised work needs to be rechecked by GCRO. This process then repeats, often over many iterations. In part because of the nature of the work itself – enormous care and attention to minute detail is needed, which takes time – and in part because of a lack of capacity on the part of GCRO, design processes of any fairly substantial output often takes several months. The process is further complicated, and drawn out, when multiple authors need to check designs and corrections on their own sections of the work, over multiple iterations. In light of this GCRO is currently in need of contracted-in production management, editing and graphics capacity to assist in managing the dynamic processes in the interface between itself and these design and typesetting service providers.

The approach will be as follows:

a) The project lead (a GCRO research theme lead or research project manager in the case of a research output, and a GCRO manager in the case of an organisational document) will prepare detailed specifications and timeframes for the work to be approved by the GCRO management structures;

b) The GCRO Director Research Strategy or the GCRO Operations Manager will circulate the approved specifications to the panel of pre-qualified service providers for a quotation and appoint the team of service providers to deliver the output.

c) This team will be led by the GCRO research theme lead or research project manager who will liaise directly with the appointed Production Manager (co-lead) service provider and any other service provider – editors, second eye proofreaders, typesetting and layout, etc. - to deliver the GCRO output.


This request for pre-qualification proposals may be submitted by companies or individuals and may include all three areas or single elements of the Terms of Reference scope of work. This scope of work, leading to a pre-qualification to undertake production management and/or editing and/or graphic design support services on a GCRO panel of service providers does not foreclose further contracts to cover other publications as required. This pre-qualification process will not result in a contract with the GCRO but is the first step in pre-qualifying for future contracts for specific research outputs. However, GCRO is under no obligation hereby to extend a further contract to the selected service providers. The pre-qualified service providers will be requested to submit a quotation for relevant research outputs and if the quotation is accepted by the GCRO, this will lead to a contract to complete the work.

Contract duration on the GCRO pre-qualified panel: 1 May 2025 – 30 April 2028.

  1. Production management services

The production manager will provide production management support to GCRO and co-lead the team of relevant appointed service providers (editing, graphics, etc.), working closely with the GCRO project manager, in respect of a set of publication types to be confirmed through a quotation process for the duration of this contract. The production manager will be tasked with research or organisational output-specific assignments for the period of three years based on specifications for each project and an approved project-specific quotation. You are requested to provide a proposal that outlines the processes to be used by the production manager, and approximate costs for various kinds of reports (as detailed below). This is for pre-qualification. Requests for quotations once pre-approved will provide for a further final costing for each specific output once the specifications are determined and confirmed within the terms of a contract.

The scope of the production management services pre-qualification proposal will include:

1.1 Manage scheduling once the GCRO output is in the production pipeline, and provide production management services, including: Copy-editing and/or using and managing GCRO approved service providers on the GCRO panel (typesetting is currently done with Lumina, based in India);

1.1.1 Clarify broad design expectations and specify layout choices for design, including figure and table briefs;

1.1.2 Check and comment on first round design choices for page layout, graphs, maps, pull-quotes, etc.;

1.1.3 Picture research and permissions;

1.1.4 Check that all GCRO comments and suggestions have been implemented;

1.1.5 Undertake a final proofread, and manage a second-eye proofread;

1.1.6 Ensuring ISBNs and DOIs;

1.1.7 Ensuring a well-crafted abstract is prepared for the website, a thumbnail is produced, a mailshot to go out to GCRO’s mailing list is put together and a formal media release is crafted;

1.1.8 Sourcing quotes for and overseeing the process of type-setting, design, and printing this publication; and

1.1.9 Managing the team of relevant service providers appointed by the GCRO for each output project and liaison with the project manager.

1.2 A quotation for each GCRO output type (provide an initial per page, per word or hourly cost as is appropriate): Research reports (approximately 150 pages);

1.2.1 Occasional papers (approximately 75 pages);

1.2.2 Provocations (approximately 20-30 pages);

1.2.3 Data briefs (approximately 20-30 pages);

1.2.4 Annual report and miscellaneous reports that don’t fall into these categories and at a final rate to be determined and agreed - provide an initial per page, per word or hourly cost; and

1.2.5 Photo searching (costs of procuring the photographs if not available in the GCRO collection to be paid for directly by the GCRO).

1.3 GCRO meetings:

Production: Monthly or weekly planning meetings with the GCRO project manager and production team – an hour rate for such meetings to be included in the proposal.

1.4 Costing to be presented as:

1.4.1 Monthly activity costs;

1.4.2 GCRO production management costs per GCRO research output type (as an initial page, word or hourly cost and subject to a final quotation per actual output within the contract period);

1.4.3 Include costs for picture and photograph searches;

1.4.4 Excluding service provider costs for typesetting, design, picture research and permissions, copy editing and second-eye proofreading.

In conducting the work the production manager will be required to work closely with other relevant service providers’ staff, the relevant authors of the works, and GCRO’s project manager. Please note that while the service provider will be required to exercise their expertise and professional judgement in identifying issues and proposing adjustments, the process of interacting with relevant service providers must always include the relevant GCRO staff, and final design and content decisions must always remain with GCRO.

2.Editing and Second-Eye Proofreading

2..1 Copy-editing: A pre-qualification proposal for each GCRO output type:

2.1.1 Research reports (approximately 80 000–100 000 words);

2.1.2 Occasional papers (approximately 30 00 words pages);

2.1.3 Provocations (approximately 12 000 words);

2.1.4 Data briefs (approximately 12 000 words);

2.1.5 Annual report and miscellaneous reports that don’t fall into these categories and at a final rate to be determined and agreed - provide an initial per page, per word or hourly cost.

2.2 GCRO meetings:

2.2.1 Monthly or weekly planning meetings with the GCRO project manager and production team – an hour rate for such meetings to be included in the proposal.

3.Graphic Design Services

3.1 You are requested to provide a pre-qualification proposal that outlines the processes to be used for graphic design services (including iterations and approvals), and approximate costs for various kinds of graphic designs, including but not limited to (examples may be found on www.gcro.ac.za):

3.1.1 Overall design of vignettes within an agreed template, and graphical elements within vignettes (see examples here https://www.gcro.ac.za/outputs/vignettes/ );

3.1.2 Within agreed templates, various kinds of maps for Maps of the Month, as well as various graphical elements such as tables and graphs within the map write-up (see examples https://www.gcro.ac.za/outputs/map-of-the-month/ );

3.1.3 Graphic elements of story maps (see examples here https://www.gcro.ac.za/data-gallery/interactive-data-visualisations/detail/shifting-borders-and-building-bridges-gcro-cities-exhibition-at-seoul-biennale/ ;

3.1.4 Within agreed formats and templates that may vary between outputs, thumbnails for listing items on the website;

3.1.5 Interactive visualisations (see examples here https://www.gcro.ac.za/data-gallery/interactive-data-visualisations/ );

3.1.6 Graphics elements of GCRO's outputs such as research reports, occasional papers, data briefs and provocations. These elements may include tables, graphs, maps and other visual representations of data;

3.1.7 Icons and graphics related to events, output launches, communications, both in terms of event branding and content to be communicated;

3.1.8 Other graphics elements related to the GCRO website, such as elements of the urban data gallery, project pages, web viewers, etc.

3.2 The graphic design service provider will liaise directly with the GCRO Production Manager, and GCRO lead researchers as appropriate.

3.3 GCRO meetings:

3.3.1 Monthly or weekly planning meetings with the GCRO project manager and production team – an hour rate for such meetings to be included in the proposal.


Contract duration on the GCRO pre-qualified panel: 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2028.

The service provider will be required to work to the following schedule:

  • Formal receipt of terms of reference from GCRO / date terms of reference advertised: 24 March 2025
  • Submission by service provider of pre-qualification proposal: 25 April 2025, 12h00
  • Approval of pre-qualification of service providers by GCRO: 30 April 2025
  • Completion of work: Variable deadlines, with timeframes depending on a variety of factors, completion of outputs on accepted quotations for the period 1 May 2025 – 30 April 2028


This is an open request for pre-qualification proposals to develop a panel of service providers. The terms of reference for this project are being directed to prospective service providers who have been identified, through a pre-selection process, including solicitation of recommendations, as having the capacity and expertise to conduct this work, as well as via a public call. While this is not a formal tender the prospective service providers are requested to submit a pre-qualification proposal and quotation by e-mail no later than 12:00 noon on Friday 25 April 2025.

E-mails must be to Melinda Swift and Naledi Ngwenya at info@gcro.ac.za . Confirmation of receipt of proposal will be provided.

The pre-qualification proposal in response to this TOR must contain:

  1. A succinct process for production management services / editing / graphic design services in response to this TOR.
  2. Indicative costing for each element of the Scope of Work (prospective service providers may provide costings for either of the three elements of the Scope of Work or all of them):
    - Indicate the Scope of Work element (1. Production Management; 2. Editing and Second-eye Proofreading; and/or 3. Graphic Design). - Project Management activity costs for liaising with the appointed Production Management service provider in the case of editors and graphic designers, and for convening project management sessions with the production team and the GCRO project manager in the case of the Production Management service provider. This may be an hourly rate and subject to a final quotation per actual output within the contract period. - GCRO production management costs per GCRO research output type (as an initial page, word or hourly cost and subject to a final quotation per actual output within the contract period).
    -Including all expenses; and -Excluding service provider costs for typesetting, design, layout and printing.
  3. An overview of the prospective service provider’s expertise to carry out the tasks
    specified in this TOR highlighting and demonstrating relevant past experience in
    undertaking similar work, including contactable references.
  4. Relevant B-BBEE credentials for companies, and HDI status of individuals, accompanied
    by the relevant B-BBEE certificate or Identity Document.
  5. Confirmation that the required information from the service provider to register as an individual or vendor on the University of the Witwatersrand financial system, as noted in section E point 14 below, is in order. The submission of these documents will only be required on the acceptance of a quotation in order to draft a contract.

The pre-qualification proposal will be evaluated by GCRO, with evaluation of proposal and confirmation of the service provider being at the discretion of the GCRO. Any disputes arising with prospective consultants from the evaluation process will be referred to the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research at Wits, who is also the Chair of the GCRO Board, whose decision on the issue will be final and binding.


Note: The following are standard provisions pertaining to GCRO commissioned work, mainly contracted research leading to publication in a typical GCRO output. Please ignore clauses that are not relevant to assignments that do not involve research towards GCRO publication.

  1. These terms of reference will be annexed to the contract to be signed and will constitute part of the contract.
  2. The Service Provider will primarily need to utilise their own expertise, insights and knowledge of research methods to get the assignment done. All source information on published, unpublished, web-based, and other documents that are used to complete the assignment should be properly referenced.
  3. No subcontracting will be permitted without the express written permission of GCRO and in terms of this document.
  4. While the service provider will be making input into the final design of publications this will give the service provider no intellectual property rights whatsoever over the completed work. Rights in copyright will reside with the GCRO. Moral rights will remain with the author, and GCRO will not unreasonably withhold permission to publish the material elsewhere (indeed this is encouraged!) as long as due acknowledgement of GCRO’s financial contribution is made.
  5. The service provider will be expected to work closely with the GCRO Production Manager and production management team, designated Research Oversight Committee (ROC) members and various staff to be identified on a continuous basis for the duration of the project.
  6. The Service Provider is expected to adhere to universally accepted norms and standards for academic / applied research work as pertains to evidence and referencing. Plagiarism of any sort will not be accepted. GCRO reserves the right to deem that a work is substandard and unacceptable if there is evidence that it fails to adhere to these requirements.
  7. The Service Provider is required to familiarise themselves with the typical formatting and approach of particular GCRO research outputs.
  8. All documents are to be submitted as complete final documents, having been checked for in-text grammatical errors by the Service Provider (including errors related to data and sources). For quality control purposes, the GCRO will provide comments and requests for any changes to the document where necessary.
  9. The write-up of any final document from this assignment that may be published as a GCRO report will be subject to the oversight and editorial considerations of the GCRO Project Manager (and in turn the Research Oversight Committee and appointed copy-editors / production manager/s). GCRO reserves the right to make changes to the document to ensure alignment with the flow, logic and style of the required output, subject to the moral rights of the Service Provider.
  10. All submissions made by the Service Provider should be compiled in Ms Word format. If need be, the Service Provider may use other formats for specific submissions.
  11. The Service Provider should use the “Author, Date, APA” referencing style when preparing and submitting all reports under this assignment.
  12. Should any disputes arise between the service provider and GCRO as to decisions of an editorial nature the final decision will be made by GCRO. Any contractual disputes between the service provider and GCRO will be dealt with in terms of clauses in the contract to be signed.
  13. In order to be contracted and paid, the service provider will be required to register as a vendor or on payroll on the procurement system of the University of the Witwatersrand. The GCRO cannot sign a contract with prospective Service Providers until they are registered as Wits vendors.
  14. There are two possible routes for payment, either through the Wits payroll for individuals below the age of 65, or as a vendor for companies.

14.1 If you are a prospective vendor, you will need to register as such and the following certified documents will need to be uploaded following an email prompt from the Wits Supplier On-board System: Certified copy of valid tax clearance certificate or Tax Exemption Letter; Certified copy of company registration documents; Certified copy of VAT registration or Vat Exemption; Cancelled cheque or bank stamped proof of account details; Certified copy of shareholders/CK1/CK2; and SANAS approved B-BBEE certificate / Auditing body certificate.

14.2 If you are an individual, the following documents are required to contract and pay you: A copy of your identity document (South African Identity number or a passport number); A copy of a stamped bank statement or confirmation letter (usually easily accessible via your banking app) in order to confirm your bank account number (not older than 3 months); Completed payroll documents requesting your personal information including your South African Revenue Services (SARS) number. If you do not have a SARS number because you are not a South African citizen, Wits can apply for this number on your behalf. These documents will be forwarded to you to complete once you accept the assignment. The standard SARS tax levels will be applied to all payments and will be deducted from your invoice total. Wits payroll department will issue an IRP5 certificate at the end of the tax year on your request.

15. If you are an employee or have an honorary appointment at Wits, please ensure you have made all arrangements to be eligible for paid work through GCRO/Wits.

16. Payments will be made according to a schedule agreed with the GCRO. Payments will be made on invoice against agreed milestones. Note that the University applies a 30 day payment term on all invoices received, and tax is payable as per SARS rules.


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