RFP - GCRO Quality of Life 7 (2023/24) Survey – Fieldwork and Data Preparation
The GCRO Quality of Life (QoL) survey, which runs every two to three years, has become the GCRO’s flagship project. The survey measures the quality of life, socio-economic circumstances, perceptions of service delivery, psychosocial attitudes, value-base and other characteristics of residents of the Gauteng City Region (GCR). It serves as a tracking and diagnostic tool, affording a rich information resource for policy makers and the public wanting to see where progress is being made, and where concerns remain. An important characteristic of the survey is that it provides a spatially distributed sample that reflects the adult population in the GCR.
The GCRO has published a tender for the Quality of Life 7 (2023/24) Survey for fieldwork and data preparation:
The tender was published on 7 May 2023 and will close for bids on 5 June 2023 - deadline for the registration of intent to bid is on 15 May 2023 @ before 23h59 midnight.
RFP NO: Wits RFP 2023:06
GCRO Quality of Life 7 (2023/24) Survey – Fieldwork and Data Preparation
The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (the University) and the GCRO invites tenderers for the Quality of Life 7 (2023/24) Survey – Fieldwork and Data Preparation.
Eligibility criteria are stated in the tender documents. Only respondents who meet the stated criteria are eligible to have their submissions evaluated.
Documents MUST BE downloaded from the University’s website, in order to understand the scope and the requirements, http://www.wits.ac.za/about-wits/tenders/. The documents will be available on 08 May 2023 from 14h00.
All tender related queries must be addressed to: The tender administrator at admin.tenders@wits.ac.za and to Bonolo Mpshe at bonolo.mpshe@wits.ac.za.
Tenderers must not contact any other University staff member and all questions must be submitted in writing to the email addresses above.
Registration of Intent to Bid: If interested, ensure that you register your email address with the tender administrator for communication purposes related to this tender. The deadline for the registration of intent to bid is on 15 May 2023 at before 23h59 midnight.
Compulsory Briefing Session: An ON - Site briefing session will be held on 23 May 2022 at 14h00.
Submission Details: The closing date and time for receipt of the tender submission is on 05 June 2023 at 23h59. No late submission will be accepted.
Only electronic submissions via email will be accepted at the designated email addresses. The electronic submission protocol and tender terms and conditions are in the tender document. By submitting a response, you expressly agree to be bound to these terms.
Shortlisted Tenderers will be given the opportunity to make a presentation to the University and will be advised of the date and time.
The University reserves its right to proceed with this request for proposal in full, in parts or not at all and call for a new RFP in the event of an unsatisfactory reply to this RFP invitation. The conditions of RFP, instructions, detail regarding the non-compulsory briefing meeting are stated in the RFP Data of the RFP Documents.