GCRO releases results of 2009 Quality of Life Survey
A joint press conference was held by the Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) and Gauteng Provincial Government, Office of the Premier, on 27 May 2010, to release the results of the 2009 Quality of Life (QoL) Survey.
In 2009 the GCRO commissioned a sample of 6643 respondents – generating data with an error bar of 1,3%. This survey covers the whole of Gauteng in detail, and also sampled GCR ‘footprints’ in four neighbouring provinces which will help obtain accurate baseline data about the people living in the Gauteng City-Region (GCR), against which future comparisons can be made.
The Premier of Gauteng, Nomvula Mokonyane, responded to the release QoL survey by releasing a statement: "Today we are proud to share with the Gauteng public the groundbreaking work of the Gauteng City-Region Observatory - a think tank we set up a few years ago to assist us in the development of our province into a globally competitive city-region. We welcome the results of the GCRO as they are, because we believe that we have been provided with the naked truth about our province which will help us to improve our services for our people. We intend sharing it with our municipalities and the private sector so that everyone can appreciate its implications......What this means is that the Observatory is serving its purpose and being brutally honest with us so that meaningful interventions could be made to improve the lot of our people. We are grateful that the academics at both Wits and UJ have compiled this important document. While its relevance may not be immediately felt; future generations are sure to look at the results of the survey and thanks the GCRO for its honesty."
The 2009 QoL data are available for analysis for research/non commercial gain purposes (contact the GCRO for more info), or the press release summaries and powerpoint presentation are available for download:
- GCRO QoL survey May 2010 presentation.pdf (12.5 Mb - may be slow downloading or right click and select save target as to save to a file)
- GCRO 2009 QoL survey Life in the city-region.pdf
- GCRO 2009 QoL survey Decent work final.pdf
- GCRO 2009 QoL survey Government satisfaction final.pdf
- GCRO 2009 QoL survey Race relations final.pdf
- GCRO 2009 QoL survey Xenophobic attitudes final.pdf