GCRO Internship

  • GCRO
  • Date of publication: 11 September 2015

The Gauteng City-Region Observatory (GCRO) is a research centre set up to build the knowledge base that government, business, labour, civil society and citizens need to develop a competitive, sustainable and inclusive Gauteng City-Region (GCR). We undertake research in partnership with others, collect data and use it to benchmark the GCR locally and internationally, and provide policy support to government, working to the highest academic standards. The GCRO is offering a one-year internship which will provide the successful Candidate with the opportunity to gain meaningful work experience and develop his/ her skills in line with the goals and research objectives of the GCRO.


With guidance and mentorship from GCRO senior academic staff members, the intern will be expected to make a meaningful contribution to research and scholarship in the following areas:

1. Urban development planning;

2. Township economies in South Africa;

3. Basic approaches and methodologies for applied research;

4. Data collection, capturing and analysis;

5. Research report writing and scientific publications;

6. Undertake any other research-related or urgent administrative tasks that may arise at the GCRO on an ad hoc basis.

Selection Criteria

Hold a Masters’ degree in disciplines such as development studies, geography, rural & urban planning, built environment, political science, public administration, economics, sociology and environmental sciences. Exceptional Honours graduates may also be considered;

Demonstrate knowledge of quantitative and/or qualitative research and analysis gained through academic studies and/ work experience;

Have a basic understanding of urbanization issues, local and regional socio-economic transformation processes, and sustainable development;

Have a good appreciation of, and interest in, interdisciplinary research;

Possess good communication skills (both oral and written);

Demonstrating evidence of skills in data capturing and analysis will be considered as an added advantage, e.g. ability to use statistical software such as SPSS, GIS applications, field-work data gathering, data transcribing, etc.

A competitive remuneration package will be offered to the successful Candidate.

How to apply

To apply, submit a covering letter that specifically addresses the selection criteria; a detailed CV with names, addresses, contact numbers and e-mails addresses of 3 referees willing to provide references; and certified copies of your academic qualifications, i.e. degrees/diplomas and academic record/transcripts to: The Executive Director, GCRO, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050 or e-mailed to info@gcro.ac.za.

The closing date for all applications is 16:00 on Friday, 9th October 2015.

The GCRO reserves the right not to make an appointment.


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