The evolution of the Quality of Life questionnaire

Since 2009, GCRO has conducted five Quality of Life surveys. In this time the survey has grown in the size of the sample and in the number of questions asked. The impact of the survey has also increased with each year and iteration. This is the second in a series of interactive visualisations that explore different aspects of the Quality of Life survey.

QoL V (2017/18) questionnaire

The fifth Quality of Life survey contains 248 questions. In this survey, the largest category includes questions regarding the services and needs of respondents and their household.

This visualisation groups each of the questions in the QoL V (2017/18) into categories. It also presents the number of QoL surveys in which each question has appeared and whether or not the question is part of an index.

Each small block represents a question. Hover over the block to see the question and related information. You can click on the blocks to isolate across the three charts or click on an element listed in the legend to compare variables.

QoL IV (2015/16) questionnaire

The fourth Quality of Life survey contains 231 questions. The largest category in this iteration of the survey is the ‘Headspace, well-being and quality of life’ category.

The visualisation below shows the category each question falls into, the number of surveys in which each question has appeared and whether the question is part of an index.

Each small block represents a question. Hover over the block to see the question and related information. You can click on the blocks to isolate across the three charts or click on an element listed in the legend to compare variables.

QoL III (2013/14) questionnaire

The third Quality of Life survey contains 219 questions. In this survey the largest category of questions relate to ‘Employment and business’.

Each small block represents a question. Hover over the block to see the question and related information. You can click on the blocks to isolate across the three charts or click on an element listed in the legend to compare variables.

QoL II (2011) questionnaire

The second Quality of Life survey contains 198 questions. The largest category of questions in this survey is ‘Finances and household resources’. This survey contains only seven questions that do not appear in any of the other iterations.

Each small block represents a question. Hover over the block to see the question and related information. You can click on the blocks to isolate across the three charts or click on an element listed in the legend to compare variables.

QoL I (2009) questionnaire

The first Quality of Life survey contains 187 questions. The survey includes some 37 questions that have not been asked again in subsequent surveys. The smallest categories in this survey are ‘Health’ with only one question and ‘Community’ with three questions.

Each small block represents a question. Hover over the block to see the question and related information. You can click on the blocks to isolate across the three charts or click on an element listed in the legend to compare variables.


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